Have you experienced the frustration of browsing a real estate website, eager to discover your perfect home, only to encounter listings that either obscure their prices or initially advertise figures significantly lower than the eventual selling cost? If that sounds familiar, that means you're not the only one. And today, we're pulling back the curtain on the often secretive world of property price guides.

These property price guides can be a source of considerable frustration for potential buyers, especially when they lack sufficient knowledge about how to interpret them. It's like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces.

What do those numbers really mean, and why are some properties listed with a price guide while others remain shrouded in mystery? Our goal today is to make everything easy to understand and help you confidently step into the world of owning your own place.

If you're a newbie or thinking about leveling up your home game, knowing the ins and outs of property price guides is your key to success in the real estate world. Get ready for a discussion that'll keep you in the loop and set you up to handle the property market with confidence.

Episode Highlights:
00:00 - Introduction
02:14 - How did real estate transactions work in the late '90s?
04:03 - How have pricing strategies in real estate undergone transformation over the years?
06:48 - Option #1: Properties listed with a price
07:08 - The dangers of adopting a lazy pricing strategy in real estate
11:24 - Why the asking price is actually irrelevant
13:01 - Option #2: Properties listed with a price range
17:38 - The difference between a private treaty and an auction with a price range
20:35 - Option #3: Properties with no price
23:06 - The challenges of buying a property in Queensland without proper price information
25:45 - One reason why sometimes properties don't have a price guide
27:53 - The importance of understanding the true value of a property
Resources mentioned in this episode:

➼ Click the link below to get our FREE mini course on How to Price Property Like a Pro: https://homebuyeracademy.com.au/free_mini_course_opt_in

➼ FREE TRAINING: How to make an educated decision so you buy your first home with the right amount of debt https://homebuyeracademy.com.au/webinar 

➼ Learn how to buy property without making a mistake with our 10-step online course for first time home buyers https://homebuyeracademy.com.au/YFHBG

➼ Looking for a Sydney Buyers Agent? https://www.gooddeeds.com.au

➼ Work with Veronica: https://www.veronicamorgan.com.au

➼ Looking for a Brisbane Buyers Agent? https://www.propertypursuit.com.au/
➼ If you have any questions or would like to be featured on our show, contact us at: [email protected]
If you enjoyed today's podcast, don't forget to subscribe, rate, and share the show! There's more to come, so we hope to have you along with us on this journey!
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Veronica Morgan & Meighan Wells 

Veronica & Meighan are both licensed real estate agents who exclusively help buyers. Together they have nearly 40 years experience as property professionals.

Veronica is principal of Sydney based Good Deeds Property Buyers and is also co-host of The Elephant in the Room property podcast as well as Location Location Location Australia on Foxtel and author of Auction Ready: how to buy property at auction even though you're scared s#!tless!

Meighan is the multi award winning principal of Brisbane based Property Pursuit, chairperson of the REIQ Buyers Agent Chapter & a regular media commentator.

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