Your Journey to Home Ownership Starts Here...

Unlock the Door to Your First Home Without Missing a Single Step

Are you ready to take the first step towards home ownership and secure your financial future? Home Buyer Academy is here to help you make that dream a reality. Our expert guidance and support will enable you to navigate the complex and often daunting process of buying your first home with confidence and ease. Say goodbye to costly mistakes and hello to the keys to your new home. Your journey to becoming an educated home buyer starts here.
Grab our Free Training *
*Learn how to price property like an expert
40+ Yrs
40+ Years Combined Real Estate Experience
Thousands Of Client Properties Bought
2000+ Buyers Supported Through Every Step
$1Billion + Worth of Deals Negotiated

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Get Inspired by These First Home Buyers:

"[I'd probably be] sitting on the sidelines... Instead, you helped me play the game."
I signed the contract on my first home yesterday. I had an awesome support team (broker and, especially, lawyer), a long and elaborate spreadsheet of sales info in the area, and above all, the confidence to go through with it all...
Without your guidance I'm not sure I'd ever have gone through with it. I'd probably be saving a deposit forever, bemoaning Sydney's outrageous prices, and generally sitting on the sidelines. Instead, you helped me play the game.

- Keira 

"We've gone from overwhelmed and confused, to feeling like buying a home is within our reach."
Veronica and Meighan are so relatable. We love how down to earth and fun they are. It's easy to understand their explanations and we enjoy discussing the things we're learning.
We've gone from overwhelmed and confused, to feeling like buying a home is within our reach. It's actually feeling like a fun and pleasurable journey instead of a maddening task.

- Antonia & Rinch


"...we thought it was too intimidating - you helped make it possible."
Hi Veronica, Meighan! My wife and I are in Victoria, and won our first property auction as first-time homebuyers two weeks ago. We couldn't have done it without your course. (We cram-studied the whole thing in 2 weeks!!)
Prior to signing up for the course, we would never consider an auction as we thought it was too intimidating - you helped make it possible, thank you so much.
- Eliot

So, You Want to Buy a Home. Now What?

Buying your first home can be just as daunting as it is exciting. Perhaps you're looking to invest your income in a property that will increase in value over time, so you can settle down with your family in a place that is officially yours. Or, maybe you're looking to get out of the rental game, claim your spot on the property ladder, and achieve this "right of passage" moment.
Whatever the driving motivation behind your decision, there's one thing all first time homeowners have in common: you're about to make the biggest investment of your life! And no one wants to take that lightly (or make costly mistakes along the way).

Navigating the Home Buying Journey Alone is a Recipe for Disaster
(and a Helluva lot of Stress)

Buying your first home is like climbing a mountain. Saving your deposit is a massive challenge, but it only gets you to base camp...then it's left up to you to navigate safely to the summit.
Perhaps you've found yourself facing challenges like these along the way:
  • You have no idea where to even get started, and you're drowning in tabs on real estate sites.
  • You've got no clue what your price range is, and you want to avoid overspending on a house (or underspending on a lemon).
  • Real estate agents and developers are intimidating, and you're not sure if they have your best interest at heart or just want a sale.
  • You've heard great things about Buyer's Agents, but it just costs way too much, especially while you're trying to save for a deposit.
  • Parents and friends are overwhelming you with all their opinions, and everyone and their neighbour thinks they're an expert on buying property.
  • So much is out of your hands with the home buying process, and you feel powerless against interest rates, inflation, the housing bubble and more.
If any of those sound familiar, or you're just looking to ditch the guesswork and unlock the door to your first home unscathed, you're in the right place. With the resources and support you'll find inside Home Buyer Academy, you can become an educated home buyer, take charge of your journey and own the process with confidence.
Get Started Now

We Help First Home Buyers Like You to Get the Best Possible Start on the Property Ladder

With affordable courses, powerful resources, and support from no-BS experts, you'll be set-up for success across every stage of your property journey. Whether you're:
Just starting to think about buying a home.
No deposit? No worries. We will guide you through who to talk to and when so that you know how much to save and what your realistic timeline to buying can look like.
Cashed up and ready to house shop.
Avoid jumping in too fast, and paying for it later! Access step-by-step training to help you make the right moves, and avoid heartbreak and disappointment along the way.
Facing offer-rejection disappointment.
Putting offers in left, right and centre with no luck? We'll help you identify whether you're missing vital steps that could be sabotaging your success.
About to sign your life away to a loan (and freaking out!)
Stay in control right through to the end! Access training to help you deal with due diligence, contracts, negotiation and settlement, so you can avoid costly mistakes.
Grab our Free Training *
*Learn how to become an educated home buyer and buy your first home (with the right amount of debt)
Flagship Program:

Your First Home Buyers Guide

The simple, practical and proven 10-step process to get out of your head and into your first home sooner.
The First Home Buyer Guide is a 10-module, self-paced course designed to teach you all the steps you need to become an educated home buyer and buy your first home without making a mistake. This course gives you permission to switch off the noise of the well-meaning people around you, and ignore the conflicting voices of other 'experts'... and instead, to listen to the wisdom and practical-advice of two of Australia's most experienced and well-respected Buyer's Agents.
By the end, you'll be equipped with the confidence and skills you need to make offers like a pro, line up your support crew, avoid costly mistakes, and ultimately get into your dream home sooner!
Discover More

Practical and Powerful Workshops to Put You in Control of Your Home Buying Journey

The "Where to Buy" Tutorial for Owner Occupiers

Stop wasting time looking at the wrong properties, and learn the simple, little-known method for working out what you can afford to buy in any location. With everything you'll learn in this 2-hour workshop, you can save months agonising, researching and house-hunting, and shortcut your success.

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The Stepping Stone Strategy Tutorial

Wondering if you'll ever be able to afford your dream home? In this workshop, you'll learn the three foolproof strategies to make your first home do the heavy lifting for you, so your dream home is a very real possibility in the future. Identify high growth locations, avoid buying a lemon, and future-proof your investment.

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The "Where to Invest" Tutorial

Learn how to make an investment decision you won't regret inside this practical 2-hour workshop. With this system, you can narrow down your search area, stop double-guessing yourself, and feel confident that your investment property is the right one to help you achieve your financial dreams.

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View the Full Resource & Course Library

Hi, We're Veronica Morgan and Meighan Wells...

Two of Australia's leading Buyer's Agents, both probably old enough to be your mum (that's a good thing).
There's a lotta shonks on the market claiming to be "experts" with only a few sales under their belt. Not us. With 40+ years of combined expertise, plus a helluva lot of our own lived experiences, we've got the know-how to get anyone into their first home. Through our highly respected Buyers Agencies, we've each purchased over a billion dollars worth of homes, and helped thousands of people get onto the property ladder.
However, we're also aware that most first home buyers can't afford to engage an experienced Buyer's Agent to support them through the process, and are left to fend for themselves!
So, we joined forces and distilled our decades of expertise down into a clear system for buying your first home and avoiding all of the common property-buying mistakes! We've created Home Buyer Academy to give you affordable access to expert advice, so you can be empowered to make smarter decisions, avoid costly mistakes, and get into your first home sooner.
Find Out More About Us

Why 2100+ Buyers Trust Home Buyer Academy

Designed specifically for first home buyers

With over 45+ years of combined experience, we know that buying your first home is no walk in the park. But accessing the advice of an expert can come at a cost that just isn't realistic for many first-home buyers. That's why we created Home Buyer Academy with you in mind, to teach you the same strategies we've used to close $1B in purchases, so you can take your journey into your own hands with confidence.

Created by award-winning, no-BS experts with loads of experience

As Buyers Agents, each with our own respected agencies, we've helped over 1000 clients get out of the rental rat race and onto the property ladder. The bottom line is, we know our stuff (unlike many other "experts" out there), and not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. We pride ourselves on our down to earth, no BS approach - meaning, we say it straight, give you the facts, and empower you to take ownership of the biggest decision of your life.

Affordable, self-paced courses and resources for busy people

Honestly, we have no vested interest in what you end up buying - but you do. And we know that with the right information in your toolkit, you can do it better. We're passionate about creating useful, practical, non-overwhelming courses and workshops that empower you to take action towards your first home. And, we care about making these affordable for first home buyers, so you can put more of your cash into your deposit with less financial stress.

Empowering everyone to take control of their financial future

As Buyers Agents, each with our own respected agencies, we've helped over 1000 clients get out of the rental rat race and onto the property ladder. The bottom line is, we know our stuff (unlike many other "experts" out there), and not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. We pride ourselves on our down to earth, no BS approach - meaning, we say it straight, give you the facts, and empower you to take ownership of the biggest decision of your life.

Hear From These Happy Home Owners:

When I made the offer on this place, I felt so comfortable and so confident that I never would've felt like that had I not done this course. I felt like I'd been led through that path to know how to do it and to be able to hold my ground. I've done the research and I've done all the properties around here and I gave the comparables to the owner and said this is what I'm looking at. This ain't worth that. So, I felt confident doing that and I wasn't nervous.
- Amanda
I learned about topics that I would never even have thought about. What to look for when purchasing a property, what to buy and how the purchase can affect you in the future. It opens your eyes up to different investment strategies, and peoples' situations. As a first home buyer it's comforting to know that you are not going through this struggle alone.
- Sheldon
Having recently purchased my first property, I can honestly say I Meighan (and Veronica's) advice has been invaluable and always stuck in my head. Their advice is genuine, comes from years of constant experience, and is the perfect place to gain unbiased property purchasing knowledge. Highly, highly recommend!
- Jake

Watch Bite-Sized Free Video Trainings From Veronica & Meighan

Receive fast, actionable advice from experts to answer your questions and kickstart your property-buying journey.

How to Become An
Educated First Homebuyer
What Do First
Homebuyers Say
Unlock First
Homebuying Process

Listen to Your First Home Buyer Guide Podcast:

For First Home Buyers Who Want to Get it Right

Listen to over 100+ practical episodes hosted by Veronica and Meighan to get you where you want to go, without missing a single step. Subscribe to catch new episodes dropping every week.

Your First Home Buyer Guide P.A.C.E system

How Can You Identify A, B, and C Grade Properties?

Your First Home Buyer Quick Start Guide

Are You Ready to Take the First Step Towards Owning Your First Home (And Securing Your Financial Future?)

It's time to switch off the noise of "experts", ditch the overwhelm, and steer clear of the costly, rookie mistakes that were standing in your path. With Home Buyer Academy, you can access everything you need to become an educated home buyer, find your dream home, and make the best decision for your future without second-guessing yourself. Take your first step and find out more about Your First Home Buyer Guide today.
I'm Ready to Get Into My First Home
*Join our Flagship Program today.
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