Every Wednesday, we hold a weekly campfire for Your First Home Buyer Guide students so they can have direct access to ask us any property-related questions. And in this two-part series, we share some of the questions that we believe resonate with a lot of first home buyers. We break down complex queries into easy-to-understand tips and strategies.
This is for anyone who might feel like they're stuck somewhere along the home buying process, and whether you're new or experienced, we tackle practical solutions to help you succeed. Tune in now and let's get started!
Veronica Morgan & Meighan Wells
Veronica & Meighan are both licensed real estate agents who exclusively help buyers. Together they have nearly 40 years experience as property professionals.
Veronica is principal of Sydney based Good Deeds Property Buyers and is also co-host of The Elephant in the Room property podcast as well as Location Location Location Australia on Foxtel and author of Auction Ready: how to buy property at auction even though you're scared s#!tless!
Meighan is the multi award winning principal of Brisbane based Property Pursuit, chairperson of the REIQ Buyers Agent Chapter & a regular media commentator.