Where should I rentvest?
The most commonly asked question AND the most dangerous!
Australia is a big country and there are loads of places you could invest in. Do you go capital city or regional? Is it really possible to get good capital growth and positive or neutral cashflow, or is that a pipe dream? What research tools can you rely on? Whose advice is conflicted? What red flags should you look for?
Sometimes it feels like there's almost too much information available... But there is a way to do your research without second guessing yourself and the areas you decide to focus on.
40+ Yrs
40+ Years Combined Real Estate Experience
Thousands Of Client Properties Bought
2000+ Buyers Supported Through Every Step
$1Billion + Worth of Deals Negotiated
Veronica and Meighan have been featured in: 
 There is a system to this. And you can learn it.
Announcing: Where to Buy for Investors Tutorial
Where YOU can learn how to make an investment decision that you won't regret.

Over a mere two hours, you can save months and months of agonising, researching, questioning, doubting, house hunting and arguing with your partner.

The Where to Buy for Investors Tutorial is NOT:
  A bullet list of top ten locations
  A one-size fits all answer
  A cloak and dagger sales page for house and land packages or off the plan apartments.
What you will learn:
  How to set your goals so you don't accidentally look in the wrong areas
  What type of investor you are (there are three main ones) and the type of property best suited to you
  How to balance yield and growth
  How to quickly narrow down your list of potential locations
  How to determine whether you're paying under market value (and why this can be a red herring)
  How to avoid being a statistic - an investor with only one investment property
  And, ultimately, exactly what you need to look for in an investment property

When you follow the Where to Buy process, you'll save literally hundreds of hours of your time.

Let's GO. Get started today
Here's what some of our workshop participants have said:
"It was really insightful and beneficial and I appreciate all the work that went into it."
- Nick
"Where to Buy Investors Workshop was a great two hours where Veronica and Meighan went through a simple but systematic approach to finding the right investment property for you - thank you!"
- Tracey
"Really awesome work shop. I really enjoy learning from you guys. So much value!"
- Sheldon
By the end of this workshop, you will...
Understand the demographics that matter when researching an area.
Work out whether a house or an apartment is the right choice for you.
Recognise the signs of a good location to invest in.
Learn why so many investors focus on the wrong things (and only realise when it's too late).
Be able to identify red flags for yourself.
Know which information sources are reliable and useful.
Avoid making a disastrous property mistake and buying a lemon.
Be able to confidently ignore all the well-meaning advice givers in your life (who might have bought once or twice but aren't really experts).
Sign me up!
Join risk-free with our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee...
Included when you enrol:
AMAZING VALUE at only $39 incl. GST.
For the tiny investment of $39 incl. GST, you will come away with a rock solid foundation that will help you answer one of the most common questions we are asked - WHERE you should buy an investment property.
Access to the Where to Buy for Investors video tutorial
All course materials and downloads
Yes! I want to learn!
P.S. Yes, this workshop was run by both Meighan and Veronica - with data expert Kent Lardner :)
We know that when you learn this step by step process you'll get greater clarity about where and what to buy. You'll stop wasting time looking in the wrong places at the wrong properties. We're so confident that we're offering a 30 day 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked, just your money back with a smile if you don't see value in the content.
I cannot recommend Veronica and Meighan enough. 
"I cannot recommend Veronica and Meighan enough. These ladies have a great skill to combine extensive knowledge and humour at the same time. I have learnt so much. Thank you Veronica and Meighan for sharing their knowledge and expertise!" 
- Erica
Enrol now