Property TV shows have become a staple for anyone daydreaming about their future home. But the reality is, what you see on the screen is often a curated narrative that doesn't always mirror the real-life home buying process. As first home buyers, it's crucial to understand the difference between TV magic and the true journey of homeownership.

In today's episode, we're lifting the curtain to reveal the truths and secrets of property TV shows, exploring how they relate to the experiences of first home buyers. From bidding wars to instant renovations, we provide tips on how to watch these shows with a discerning eye, while staying grounded in the practicalities of your own home buying process.

Tune in as we go behind the scenes of property TV shows and uncover the truths, myths, and lessons they offer for first home buyers in Australia. Remember, your journey is unique, and while property TV can be entertaining, your dream home is waiting to be discovered through careful consideration and the expert guidance of professionals in the real estate industry.

Episode Highlights:
00:00 - Introduction
02:18 - What is the show Location, Location, Location all about?
03:06 - Veronica recounts her experience as the previous host of Location, Location, Location Australia
06:07 - The difference between reality and entertainment as observed in the new series
09:10 - Property TV is NOT real education
11:52 - Why Veronica and Bryce decided to do a different approach on the show
16:27 - Why Veronica doesn't watch property TV shows anymore
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Veronica Morgan & Meighan Wells 

Veronica & Meighan are both licensed real estate agents who exclusively help buyers. Together they have nearly 40 years experience as property professionals.

Veronica is principal of Sydney based Good Deeds Property Buyers and is also co-host of The Elephant in the Room property podcast as well as Location Location Location Australia on Foxtel and author of Auction Ready: how to buy property at auction even though you're scared s#!tless!

Meighan is the multi award winning principal of Brisbane based Property Pursuit, chairperson of the REIQ Buyers Agent Chapter & a regular media commentator.

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